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Net worth Update – Half million target

Net worth

Net Worth update – Journey to 500.000 or my first half million!

As part of taking the journey to Financial Independent. It have been important for me to track and set out my goals.

Tracking your net worth is important to be able to see if we are in the right direction as we want. It also help to show where could we likely save money. 

Before, I was tracking my networth I didn’t realise how much my student loan actually dragged me down. Now I know exactly what i have in my account, however, considering the debt, I know where I could be there, but more importantly in reality where i am. 

I’m doing my net worth calculator by myself, if you would like to have the same tracker, let me know in the comments below. 

How to calculate your own net worth?

Net Worth = Assets – Liabilities



2-3 months away to half of a million in Net Worth!

According to my estimates I’m only 2-3 months away from my first half million.

As of 1 August, I’m just below with 443000 HKD in net worth.

If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor its your mistake.

Bill Gates

Founder, Microsoft

If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.

Warren Buffet

CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

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