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Why FIRE is Not Just for the Wealthy

Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) is often perceived as a financial goal that is only attainable for the wealthy. This idea, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. FIRE is a concept that can be achieved by anyone, regardless of their income level or background. In this article, we will explore why FIRE is not just for the wealthy and how anyone can achieve financial independence and retire early.

How to Reach $100k Wealth on an Average Salary

That is under seven years to reach $100k on your extremely normal compensation. In the event that you get a normal compensation directly out of school (in contrast to me) you’d arrive at 100k per little while before your 30th birthday celebration. That is a ton of mixture – enough to now coordinate your $11k commitments in profit each year and help you to 1,000,000 dollars significantly more rapidly.