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What is the concept of minimalism?

What is the concept of minimalism

What is the concept of minimalism?

Minimalism is about focusing on the important and removing the superfluous. A minimalist is a person who practices minimalism.

Minimalism can be about living (more) in the present and worrying less about the past and future; about keeping only the possessions one is truly fond of; about planning his time better and not cramming his calendar; about being with the right people; about eating smaller and healthier. It can be, and is, really many different things for many different people. So if you think you are not present enough, or that you are drowning in things and appointments or want to live a healthier life but do not quite know how to find the time and energy for it, then minimalism might be for you?

Minimalism is also about finding out what you think is important in your life, finding your values ​​and being true to them. To live consciously. To dare to be an individual with his own attitudes and ways of living his life, even if it deviates from the norm.

Minimalism is not one particular way of life or a set of rules, but rather a way of thinking. How a minimalist chooses to live his life is very individual. However, there are certain commonalities in the growing, global community of minimalists.

The many faces of minimalism

In recent years, a large community of minimalists has emerged who write blog posts, publish books, use the web’s many opportunities for communication or meet and talk together. We are (thankfully) not all the same and therefore it is different for everyone what minimalism is.

So what can minimalism mean?

Physical property

For many, the journey into minimalism started with wanting to clean up the physical possessions. The home is cluttered, it is difficult to clean, everything is lying and floating, it is embarrassing to invite guests over without first cleaning up properly. But it is really difficult to clean up when you own so many things that there is no room for it all. The natural next step is therefore to find out if it is possible to have fewer things? The answer is mostly yes, and for many minimalists it is about keeping only the possessions that are useful or that you are happy with, and let go of everything that you have otherwise more or less voluntarily collected throughout life.


Our time on this earth is limited, and we will all make the most of our time. Unfortunately, this often means trying to achieve as much as possible, filling the calendar with things to achieve, things you want to achieve, meetings and appointments in one infinity. Sometimes it can be good to take a step back and find out what you really want to spend your time on. Maybe there should also just be time to do nothing? To sit on a soft chair and look out the window? To talk to your partner or a good friend, immerse yourself in a conversation without having to think about the next thing you need to achieve? Minimalists focus on getting happier by cutting off the redundant deals.

Social relations

We are all a small part of a large network of people who know each other across the board. We count our Facebook friends in the hundreds and can in principle talk to the entire world population across the globe whenever we want. But there are some relationships that mean more than others. Who exactly do you want to spend your time with? Who is it you want to be there for? Maybe just as important, who is it that you really would rather not have anything to do with (more)?

Digital Minimalism

The digital minimalism is when you turn down your usage of digital technologies like mobile phones and computers. A lot of people waking up in the morning, the first thing they grab is likely their mobile phone checking for any notifications missed during the night. Why is it so important to check your messages? Over the years  with technology invading our life, people have evolved a fear of missing out.  So practicing Digital Minimalism is trying to limit the usage and in the end gaining much more time and energy to things that matter, instead of scrolling through facebook.   

What is minimalism for you?

You are probably reading this page because there is something you are unhappy with, something you would like to change, and that you think the minimalist mindset might be for you. Cool! Welcome to! 😁 However, I want to warn you: your family and friends may initially wonder when you give away half of your stuff and are suddenly a happier human being. You get bitten by this way of living, and luckily that’s a good thing. I hope you find answers to your questions and that you find like-minded people who can help open your eyes to a slightly different way of living life. And of course, that you find out what minimalism is for you.

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